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Quran Chapter 99 - The Earthquake - The Earth Will Bear Witness on the Day of Judgement
A Medinan sura, one of a series of suras that deal with scenes from the Day of Judgement. Compare Suras 81, 82, 101, and others. In the...
Quran Chapter 100 - The Charging Steeds - Intentions and Actions Have Consequences
An early Meccan sura in which God swears by the warhorses He has subjected to man’s use [a] that man is ungrateful and misguided. In the...
Quran Chapter 101 - The Crashing Blow - The Abyss
A Meccan sura which gives some scenes from the Resurrection and Judgement In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy 1 The...
Quran Chapter 102 - Striving for More - Pay Attention and See The Reality
This Meccan sura criticizes man’s preoccupation with worldly wealth and stresses that he will be brought to account on the Day of...
Quran Chapter 103 - The Declining Day - The Basics of Salvation
A Meccan sura showing the way to salvation. The image of a declining day suggests the stage in the day, or in life, when only a short...
Quran Chapter 104 - The Backbiter - Hell is A Fire Kindled by God
A Meccan sura that condemns the greedy backbiter and gives a description of Hell. In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of...
Quran Chapter 105 - The Elephant - The Army of the Elephant
This sura is a reference to events that happened in 570 ce, the year of the Prophet’s birth, when the army of Abraha (a Christian ruler...
Quran Chapter 106 - The Quraysh Tribe - Safety and Security
This Meccan sura connects grammatically with the previous one’s account of how God defeated the threat to Mecca posed by Abraha, so...
Quran Chapter 107 - Common Kindness - Those Who Deny the Judgment
A Meccan sura describing some characteristics of a person who denies the Judgement. In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of...
Quran Chapter 108 - Abundance - God Defends His Prophet
When the Prophet lost his last son, an opponent who hated him taunted him with being ‘cut off’ without posterity. This Meccan sura comes...
Quran Chapter 109 - The Disbelievers - Belief, Disbelief and Religious Pluralism
Some of the Meccan idolaters suggested to the Prophet as a compromise that he should worship their gods for a year and they should...
Quran Chapter 110 - Help - The Message is Clear
A Medinan sura said to be one of the last revelations the Prophet received before his death. In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the...
Quran Chapter 111 - Palm Fibre - The Punishment of Abu Lahab
This sura refers to an uncle of the Prophet who opposed him fiercely, as did his wife. He insulted the Prophet with ‘Tabbak yadak’ (‘may...
Quran Chapter 112 - Purity [of Faith] - One Third of the Quran
This sura is unusual in having as its title a term not mentioned in the body of the sura. Ikhlas conveys the meaning of sincerity in...
Quran Chapter 113 - The Daybreak - Seek Refuge with the Creator of Everything
A Meccan sura used as an invocation against evil. In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy 1 Say [Prophet], ‘I seek...
Quran Chapter 114 - The People - The Whisperer
Another Meccan sura commonly used as an invocation against evil. In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy 1 Say, ‘I seek...
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