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Quran Chapter 14 [part 1] - Abraham - The Message, Satan Rejects His Followers
A Meccan sura named after Abraham (verses 35–41), who prays to God that Mecca may be made prosperous so that its people may be thankful...
Quran Chapter 14 [part 2] - Abraham - Reflect and Ponder, Prophet Abraham, Warning and a Message
24 [Prophet], do you not see how God makes comparisons? A good word is like a good tree whose root is firm and whose branches are high in...
Quran Chapter 15 [part 1] - The Rocky Tract - Lessons From Early Nations, Gardens for the Righteous
A Meccan sura which takes its title from the reference to the people of al-Hijr (verses 80–4). These are an example of the many who...
Quran Chapter 15 [part 2] - The Rocky Tract - The Angels Visit Prophets Abraham and Lot, Forgiveness
51 Tell them too about Abraham’s guests: 52 when they came to him and said, ‘Peace,’ he said, ‘We are afraid of you.’ 53 ‘Do not be...
Quran Chapter 16 [part 1] - The Bee - No True Deity but God, Blessings for Humankind
A Meccan sura that takes its title from the bee (verses 68–9) inspired in its remarkable way by God. This is just one of the numerous...
Quran Chapter 16 [part 2] - The Bee - Reflection, False Worship, A Warning to Make Things Clear
41 As for those who emigrated in God’s cause after being wronged, We shall give them a good home in this world, but the reward of the...
Quran Chapter 16 [part 3] - The Bee - No Respite for Disbelievers, Use Wisdom When Talking About God
82 But if they turn away [Prophet], your only duty is to deliver the message clearly. 83 They know God’s blessings, but refuse to...
Quran Chapter 17 [part 1] - The Night Journey - Journey By Night, God Sees Everything, Commandments
A Meccan sura framed by references to the Children of Israel at the beginning, and to Pharaoh at the end. The bulk of the sura deals with...
Quran Chapter 17 [part 2] - The Night Journey - Explanations, God Advises Prophet Muhammad
41 We have explained things in various ways in this Quran, so that such people might take notice, but it has only turned them further...
Quran Chapter 17 [part 3] - The Night Journey - The Truth, A Man with a Message, Resurrection
71 On the Day when We summon each community, along with its leader, [a] those who are given their record in their right hand will read it...
Quran Chapter 18 [part 1] - The Cave - A Straightforward Book, Sleepers in the Cave, Make a Choice
A Meccan sura which gets its name from the Sleepers of the Cave story (verses 9–26). This sura also deals with two other stories: Moses’...
Quran Chapter 18 [part 2] - The Cave - Reminders, Moses and Khidr
45 Tell them, too, what the life of this world is like: We send water down from the skies and the earth’s vegetation absorbs it, but soon...
Quran Chapter 18 [part 3] - The Cave - Dhul Qarnayn, Worship is for God Alone
83 [Prophet], they ask you about Dhu ’l-Qarnayn. [a] Say, ‘I will tell you something about him.’ 84 We established his power in the land,...
Quran Chapter 19 [part 1] - Mary - Stories of the Prophets, Mary and Her Pregnancy, Reality of Jesus
The Meccan sura takes its name from the story of Mary (verses 16–35). It recounts the grace given by God to a number of prophets and...
Quran Chapter 19 [part 2] - Mary - Deniers of Resurrection, Their Punishment, and Attitudes
51 Mention too, in the Quran, the story of Moses. He was specially chosen, a messenger and a prophet: 52 We called to him from the...
Quran Chapter 20 [part 1] - Ta-Ha - Mission of the Quran, Story of Prophet Moses
A Meccan sura that begins and ends with mention of the Quran: it was not sent to the Prophet to cause him grief but is a clear proof from...
Quran Chapter 20 [part 2] - Ta-Ha - Story of Prophet Moses Continued
74 Hell will be the reward of those who return to their Lord as evildoers: there they will stay, neither living nor dying. 75 But those...
Quran Chapter 20 [part 3] - Ta-Ha - Story of the Angels, Taking Lessons From Previous Nations
100 Whoever turns away from it will bear on the Day of Resurrection a heavy burden 101 and will remain under it. What a terrible burden...
Quran Chapter 21 [part 1] - The Prophets - Accusations and Lies, Every Soul Will Taste Death
A Meccan sura which takes its name from the list of prophets mentioned from verse 48 to verse 91. It stresses that fact that Muhammad is...
Quran Chapter 21 [part 2] - The Prophets - God Saves Those Who Cry to Him in Distress, Good News
48 We gave Moses and Aaron [the Scripture] that distinguishes right from wrong, a light and a reminder for those who are mindful of God, ...
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