This Meccan sura strengthened the heart of the Prophet and his followers by referring to the fate of those who tortured earlier believers. The title expresses God’s power over the whole universe, from the stars in the sky to the evildoers referred to in this sura. Indeed, His all-encompassing power is a recurring theme throughout the sura.
In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy.
1 By the sky with its towering constellations, 2 by the promised Day, 3 by the Witness [a] and that which is witnessed, 4 damned were the makers of the trench, [b] 5 the makers of the fuel-stoked fire! 6 They sat down 7 to watch what they were doing to the believers. 8 Their only grievance against them was their faith in God, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy, 9 to whom all control over the heavens and earth belongs: God is witness over all things.
10 For those who persecute believing men and women, and do not repent afterwards, there will be the torment of Hell and burning. 11 But for those who believe and do good deeds there will be Gardens graced with flowing streams: that is the great triumph. 12 [Prophet], your Lord’s punishment is truly stern–– 13 it is He who brings people to life, and will restore them to life again–– 14 and He is the Most Forgiving, the Most Loving. 15 The Glorious Lord of the Throne, 16 He does whatever He will. 17 Have you [not] heard the stories of the forces 18 of Pharaoh and Thamud? 19 Yet still the disbelievers persist in denial. 20 God surrounds them all.
21 This is truly a glorious Quran 22 [written] on a preserved Tablet. [c]
a. God.
b. Various suggestions are made as to who these trench-makers were, among others, that they were those commanded to make a trench by a Jewish ruler of sixth-century Yemen in order to torture Christians, also that the passage could refer to Nimrod’s treatment of Abraham (Razi).
c. God keeps this with Him.
The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)
The Qur'an / a new translation by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem, copyright © 2004 Oxford World's Classics (Oxford University Press). Used by permission. All rights reserved.